Input data sources for

Dalal, J. and Uster, H., “Robust Emergency Relief Supply Planning for Foreseen Disasters under Evacuation Side Uncertainty” submitted for publication.



A.     Computational study data


The link to download the instance data files used for computational study is given below. Please right click on the link and click “Save Target As” to save it on your machine.


• Computational study Data Instances -


There are 12 folders representing classes C1 – C12, and within each folder there are 10 “*.txt” instance files that are randomly generated. The folder names follow a particular naming convention to help a user match easily with the Table 2S in Online Supplement.


Folder name format:  “c[A]-[B]-[C]-[D]-[E]-[F]-[G]”


A := class number, B := number of sources, C := number of UDCs , D := number of shelters,

E := number of DCs, F := number of CSLs, G := number of disaster events.


For example,

 “c9-2000-400-200-40-30-10”  contains 10 instance files of class 9 with 2000 sources, 400 UDCs, 200 shelters, 40 DCs, 30 CSL candidates, and 10 disaster events.


Each instance file within such a folder is named as “c[i]_data_[j].txt” where i = class number, j = 1, …, 10 (index number).

For example, the 7th instance file of class 5 is names as: “c5_data7.txt”.




We now explain the content of a data file.

The first line (header) of a data file summarizes the number of different network entities and the events. For example:

“CSL : 50 DC : 20 SH : 100 UDC : 200 SRC : 1000 Scenarios:=10”



The legend used in these data files are explained in Table 1.


Table 1: Legends used in data instance files




SourceList[ID,x,y,pop, staybackReliefFrac]

Source node ID, (x,y) coordinates, population at that node, and the nominal fraction of the stay-back population who  seek relief (from UDCs).


SHELTER_List[ID, x, y, capa, VarCost_p]

Shelter ID, (x,y) coordinate, capacity (number of evacuees to accommodate), and variable cost for evacuees in the shelter.


UDC ID and (x,y) coordinates.


DC ID, (x,y) coordinate, and variable cost to handle relief item at that DC.

DCCapa[k, p, Qdc_kp]

At a DC (k), storage capacity for item p

CSLList[ID, x, y, fc_r]

CSL ID, (x,y) coordinate, fixed cost of opening the CSL.

CSLCapa[ID, p, S_rp]

CSL ID and storage capacity for item p.


Unit transportation cost for evacuee.

ProductwiseTC[p, w_p, alpha_smallTruck, alpha_medTruck, alpha_bigTruck]

For each relief supply p, demand per evacuee, and unit transportation cost in small, medium, and big truck, respectively.

ScenarioList[SID, center_x, center_y,  catg]

Disaster event (scenario) ID, (x,y) coordinate of its occurrence, and category (in 5 point scale)




B.   Case study data


The case study data are available in the folder “GIS-data” within In correspondence to the experiments in Section 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 the following 5 data files are prepared. These files differ only in the category data for each of the 18 disaster event/scenarios. The table 2 below summarizes it.



File Name



All 18 events represent of category 5 hurricanes. (section 7.1.1)



Events close to the low population areas are affected by category 1 hurricane, and events close to high population areas are hit by category 3 hurricane (Experiment 1 in section 7.1.2)


Events close to the low population areas are affected by category 5 hurricane, and events close to high population areas are hit by category 3 hurricane (Experiment 2 in section 7.1.2)


Events close to the low population areas are affected by category 3 hurricane, and events close to high population areas are hit by category 1 hurricane (Experiment 3 in section 7.1.2)


Events close to the low population areas are affected by category 3 hurricane, and events close to high population areas are hit by category 5 hurricane (Experiment 4 in section 7.1.2)