The IBM 1620 Model 1

First available in 1959, the IBM 1620 was a low-cost solid state computer designed for decimal scientific and engineering calculations. The main memory was logically arranged as 20,000 6-bit words. Each word comprised four BCD data bits, a "flag" bit, and an odd parity check bit. Though this was its logical arrangement, physically memory was a 100x100 array of 12-bit ferrite core words, which causes a few quirks in the instruction set. All instructions occupied 12 consecutive digits of memory, and were required to start at an even address so that the 2-digit opcode could be read in one 12-bit physical word.

Instructions processed data memory-to-memory either in an arithmetic 'field' mode or a 'record' mode. A field of decimal integer data occupied succesive memory locations, one memory word per digit, with the most significant digit in the lowest address and the least significant digit in the highest address of the 'field'. Arithmetic instructions, such as add and subtract, processed fields by referring by the address of the least significant digit, where processing started, progressing to most significant digits in lower value addresses ('right' to 'left'). The flag bit must be set in the most significant digit to indicate the end of the field. In addition, a flag bit in the least significant digit was used to indicate a negative ingeger. Arithmetic fields were limited in length only by the size of memory.

On the other hand, Instructions that process memory as records, such as I/O operations, refered to a record with the lowest address where processing started, progressing to higher addresses ('left' to 'right'). The end of a record was indicated by a special invalid BCD bit combination of 0xA called a 'record mark'. I/O processing was either in numeric mode with one numeric character per memory word, or 'alphameric' mode where two consecutive memory digits encode the alphanumeric character set associated with Hollerith cards. Similar to instruction opcodes, the two digit alphameric character codes also were required to start at even addresses.

With the option of indirect addressing, the memory address in any instruction may have the flag bit in the least significant digit set to indicate indirection. This address then was assumed to refer to the least significant (highest address value) word of a 5-digit field containing the actual address to use. However, that address may be indirect as well with a flag in its least significant digit, and addressing can be indirect to arbitrary levels. No flag bit is required in the most significant digit of indirect address fields, as they were assumed to be of a fixed 5 digits in length.

Subroutines were accomodated by a special register that stored the return address in the main calling program. There was no access to this register other than with the 'Branch Back' instruction that transfered control back to the calling program. Therefore there was no hardware support for more than one level of subroutine. However the subroutine call instruction, 'Branch and Transmit' not only stored the return address but also copied a field of argument data to a parameter area in descending memory addresses just lower than the instructions of the subroutine. Although this mechanism was intended to provide the subroutine its variable argument data, a return address could also be transmitted as well and therefore multiple levels of subroutines, or even push-pop stacks for local variables, could be manually coded.

Although magnetic disk peripherals became available for the 1620 later in the 1960's, initial low cost systems used only paper tape or punched cards for secondary storage, and a console keyboard and teletypewriter for I/O.

Instruction Set
Instruction Mnemonic Decimal Action
Add A 21PPPPPQQQQQ Add field at address QQQQQ to field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Add Immediate AM 11PPPPPDDDDD Add field DDDDD to field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Branch B 49PPPPPXXXXX Branch to address PPPPP
Branch and Transmit BT 27PPPPPQQQQQ Copy field at address QQQQQ to address PPPPP-1, store address of next instruction in IR-2 register and branch to address PPPPP
Branch and Transmit Immediate BTM 17PPPPPDDDDD Copy field DDDDD to address PPPPP-1, store address of next instruction in IR-2 register and branch to address PPPPP
Branch Back BB 42XXXXXXXXXX Branch to address stored in IR-2 register
Branch Indicator BI 46PPPPP0II00 Branch to address PPPPP if indictor II true
Branch no Flag BNF 44PPPPPQQQQQ Branch to address PPPPP if no flag bit set at address QQQQQ
Branch no Indicator BNI 47PPPPP0II00 Branch to address PPPPP if indictor II false
Branch no Record Mark BNR 45PPPPPQQQQQ Branch to address PPPPP if no record mark at address QQQQQ
Branch on Digit BD 43PPPPPQQQQQ Branch to address PPPPP if nonzero digit at address QQQQQ
Clear Flag CF 33PPPPPXXXXX Clear flag bit at address PPPPP
Compare C 24PPPPPQQQQQ Subtract field at address QQQQQ from field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Compare Immediate CM 14PPPPPDDDDD Subtract field DDDDD from field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Control K 34XXXXX0UU00C Control I/O unit UU with control command C
Dump Numeric DN 35PPPPP0UU000 Dump numerically to I/O unit UU starting from address PPPPP
Halt H 48XXXXXXXXXX Halt execution
Multiply M 23PPPPPQQQQQ Multiply field at address PPPPP by field at address QQQQQ and set arithmetic indicators
Multiply Immediate MM 13PPPPPDDDDD Multiply field at address PPPPP by field DDDDD and set arithmetic indicators
No Operation NOP 41XXXXXXXXXX No operation
Read Alphameric RA 37PPPPP0UU000 Read alphamerically from I/O unit UU into address PPPPP
Read Numeric RN 36PPPPP0UU000 Read numerically from I/O unit UU into address PPPPP
Set Flag SF 32PPPPPXXXXX Set flag bit at address PPPPP
Subtract S 22PPPPPQQQQQ Subtract field at address QQQQQ from field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Subtract Immediate SM 12PPPPPDDDDD Subtract field DDDDD from field at address PPPPP and set arithmetic indicators
Transmit Digit TD 25PPPPPQQQQQ Copy digit at address QQQQQ to address PPPPP
Transmit Digit Immediate TDM 15PPPPP0000D Copy digit D to address PPPPP
Transmit Field TF 26PPPPPQQQQQ Copy field at address QQQQQ to address PPPPP
Transmit Field Immediate TFM 16PPPPPDDDDD Copy field DDDDD to address PPPPP
Transmit Record TR 31PPPPPQQQQQ Copy record at address QQQQQ to address PPPPP
Write Alphameric WA 39PPPPP0UU000 Write alphamerically to I/O unit UU from address PPPPP
Write Numeric WN 38PPPPP0UU000 Write numerically to I/O unit UU from address PPPPP

PPPPP and QQQQQ are 5-digit memory addresses. Flag bit set in least significant digit indicates indirect address.
DDDDD are 2 to 5 digit immediate data. Must have flag bit set in most significant digit to limit the field length.
UU are I/O unit: 01=typewriter, 02=paper tape punch, 03=paper tape reader, 04=card punch, 05=card reader.
For typewriter unit, control command C is: 1=space, 2=carraige return, 8=tabulate.
II are indicators: 01=console program switch 1, 02=switch 2, 03=switch 3, 04=switch 4, 06=read check, 07=write check, 09=last card, 11=high/positive, 12=equal/zero, 13=H/P or E/Z, 14=overflow, 19=any check.
XXXXX are ignored.