Ph.D. Dissertations Directed

Dr. David W. Matula


Ph. D. Dissertations Directed:


D. Mahjoub, “Efficient Redundant Backbones for Coverage and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2011.
I. M. Derici, “Random Geometric Graphs, their Properties and Applications on the Plane, Sphere and Torus”, 2010.
C. Mann, “Extensions of Maximum Concurrent Flow to Identify Hierarchical Community Structure and Hubs in Networks”, 2008.
A. Fit-Florea, "Extending Hardware Support for Arithmetic Modelo 2k", 2005.
L. McFearin, "A p-Bit Model of Binary Floating Point Division and Square Root with Emphasis on Extremal Rounding Boundaries", 2002.
C. Iordache, "Rounding Standards and Interpolative Algorithms for Reciprocal, Division, Square Root and Square Root Reciprocal", 1999.
M. Iridon, "Regular Triangulated Toroidal Graphs with Applications in Cellular and Interconnection Networks", 1999.
C. N. Lyu, "Micro-Architecture of a Pipelined Floating-Point Execution Unit", 1995.
D. DasSarma, "Highly Accurate Initial Reciprocal Approximation for High Performance Division Algorithms", 1995.
W. Cal, "Fast Algorithms to Compute Edge Connectivity of Undirected Graphs", 1995.
C. Yang, "A Multi-Layer Design and Load Sharing Algorithm for Personal Communication Networks," 1991.
S. N. Parikh, "An Architecture for a Rational Arithmetic Unit", 1988.
F. Shahrokhi, "The Maximum Concurrent Flow Problem", 1986.
W.H. Day, "Flat Cluster Methods", 1975.
W.E. Wright, "A Formalization of Cluster Analysis, and Gravitational Clustering", 1972.
R.M. Simon, "The Reliability of Multi-State Systems Subject to Cannibalization", 1969.


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